Thursday, July 9, 2009


If you let your kids watch Nickelodeon, you know about Bendaroos. You have most likely experienced merciless begging and pleading for Bendaroos.

I feel your pain.

I too was begged. I was handed the phone and instructed to order. I was told how fun they were. How we must have them.

I was resistant. They were $19.99 + shipping. Which seems steep for wax-covered strings.

Then I found them on Amazon for $16 and had a gift card and got them for a total of $8 out of pocket - which seemed more reasonable to me.

They arrived in the mail today and Tater was so happy that he got all huggy and told me I was the best mommy ever. Which was so totally worth $8.

The kids busted open the box and didn't do much with them actually...migrated toward the TV after a little while.

I lured them back with the little booklet of projects and Tater and I made this cool guy with balloons, while Sprout attempted to cover the box with Bendaroos - unsuccessfully, but she seemed to be enjoying the attempt.

These are strangely fun, and yet sticky and icky. Sure to be a hit with the kids - although, as most things are, not as fantastically jump-out-of-the-box super fun as the commercial makes them sound.

The commercial (and box) suggest that you could stick these to the wall with no staining. Considering the haze of wax on my kitchen table and hands, I am not buying that claim and not allowing these on my walls.

And oh I am looking at Amazon and they are all priced at MORE than the commercial! Rude! I did see them this morning at Bed, Bath and Beyond (part of the "beyond"...) so you can at least save the shipping if the begging is getting to you!!

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